First Midterm Exam – This Friday!

Hello Students, 

As stated on your syllabus, the first mid-term exam will be this Friday (15/11/2013). It will be a one-hour long test. I will pass it out at 10:30am, and collect it 11:30am. Then, we will proceed with the lesson. So, please arrive on time and ready to begin. 

The test will cover the following topics: 

Purpose and Audience
Pre-Writing Activities
Formal Diction in Writing
Run-On Sentences – Using Punctuation or Conjunctions
Building Complex Sentences – Modifying Clauses and Creating Adjectives
Components of a Paragraph
Writing Topic Sentences 

You will find each of these topics explained in the post below. 
Your homework this week is to revise. The best way to revise will be to practice writing – write sentences, write paragraphs, and practice including effective topic sentences, correct capitalization, formal diction, and complex sentences that are not run-ons. 

Do not worry too much. There will be no surprises, everything on the exam will be things we have talked about in class. 

Email me with questions! 

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