Homework Assignment 11/22/13

Homework Assignment

1. Complete the gaps with: although, as soon as, before, despite, however, in spite, since

33 Elm Wood Drive

Dear Sir,

After watching the discussion about boxing on television last night, I felt I must write to you. 1 __________ I saw that programme, I had not given any thought to the danger of boxing. 2 __________ , thanks to your programme, I am now keenly aware of the dangers, particularly of brain damage. 3 __________ the government seems unwilling to ban boxing 4 __________ the evidence that it is harmful, it seems that the general public must make a stand.

I am particularly concerned about the dangers to young boys who attend boxing clubs. 5 __________ they step into a ring, they are in danger. But, 6 __________ of all the publicity about the harmful effects of boxing, parents still let their sons attend these classes. 7 __________ I believe that people should be free to choose their own sports, I feel that boxing is not a sport and should be banned.

I should like to invite your readers to write to me and tell me their own views on this matter. If there is sufficient support, I shall start a ‘Ban Boxing’ campaign.

Yours faithfully,

J.R. Samson

2. Fill in the gaps using: besides, finally, also, first, although, and (2), so, in addition.

Writing a paper is often difficult and many times rewarding. ……….. , I don’t always know what to write about, …………… I often need to research, talk to people, …………… think about what I know before I come up with a strong topic. …………………, writing a paper takes time and energy. Time is needed to select and narrow a topic, to generate information and structure ideas, to knock out draft after draft, …………… to edit for my usual typos and mechanical errors. ………………… the time involved, energy (and lots of food to produce it) is needed so I can produce my best work. …………….. writing a paper is sometimes difficult, it can be very rewarding. I enjoy seeing words which say exactly what I want them to. l ………… feel proud when everything “clicks.” ……………., knowing that I’ve done my best work and earned a good grade too are strong personal rewards.

3. Look at this paragraph:

The Japanese can develop highly profitable products because their labor is technologically oriented. Many Japanese work as engineers, technicians, or scientists, or some other occupation related to technology and production. Many Japanese students choose to major in high-tech fields instead of the humanities. The United States is less materialistic than Japan. Many college students pursue their dreams instead of profits, majoring in the fine arts, history and philosophy. Many Americans work in the areas of humanities and social work. Only a small percentage of the Japanese population work in those areas.

Now divide the paragraph into two separate paragraphs and place some linkers in the text to make it clearer.


Writing Assignment: Narrative Essay
Narrative writing involves the production personal essays. It recounts a personal or fictional experience or tells a story based on a real or imagined event. Examples include autobiographies or fictional stories.

Choose ONE of the three prompts below and write a story using creativity and powers of observation. Your essay must be one page minimum and must include
–      Introduction Paragraph
–      At least two Body Paragraphs
–      Conclusion Paragraph

Be sure to apply the rules of capitalization, spelling, punctuation and grammar in your writing.

Bring a rough draft of your essay, preferably hand-written, to our next class. 
This is mandatory


  1. We all have memories connected to our experiences. Think about an experience you feel you’ll always remember. Try to picture the time, the place, and the people involved. Try to remember everything you can about this experience. Write about the experience you remember. Be sure to include enough details so that your reader can share your experience. Show why this memory stands out for you.
  2. Write about a time you experienced or learned something for the first time. It could be when you first rode a bike or learned a new game. It could have been your first day of school, your first train or plane ride, or your first trip to an amusement park. First experiences are special for some reason. They may be funny, scary, or exciting.
  3. Choose a time when you did something that took a lot of nerve, a time when you didn’t follow the crowd or a time when you stood up for your beliefs. Think about the details of the event and write a story that tells about what happened. Your narrative should show your readers why you decided to make a stand or try something that took nerve, give specifics on the events, and share how you felt after the event.

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